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19.672 Bewertungen in den letzten 12 Monaten418.855 Bewertungen insgesamt  

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Relevanteste positive Bewertung

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Guten Tag, mit der Firma Bauer Versand selbst hat es noch nie Probleme gegeben; es sind alle höflich und sehr bemühlt, einem weiter zu helfen. Das Problem ist die Firma Hermes. Wenn man Glück hat, wird die Ware zugestellt; manchmal sogar an dem Tag, an dem die Ware aversiert ist. Wenn man aber Pech hat, heißt es die Ware wurde geliefert, nur leider hat der Fahrer nicht geklingelt und die ware ist unauffindbar. In Zukunft werde ich nur noch Ware bestellen, bei Firmen, die nicht mit Hermes liefern lassen. Freundliche Grüße Elke Karnasch

Relevanteste negative Bewertung

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As you may know we have highlighted this issue within 1 week after installing the kitchen as on 15th May'23.Due to no response/ no solution a followed up email was written as on 27th May'23. We have been following on this issue since last 6 months and there have been multiple visits by hermes einrichtungs service representatives till date (1st visit starting from June'23 and last this month in Oct'23) all promising to replace the slab and admitted to a quality issue including the first inspection in June. Now after 6 months when we have asked for a full refund as we cannot continue with this harassment anymore suddenly the warranty has been forfeited. Now lets address the issue of silicone on a small portion next to the washbasin - The application's was applied as per suggestion from the installation guy (hermes einrichtungs service) which we hired from your team at the time of booking the kitchen.(we have paid euros 500) Why did he suggest us to use silicon ? The silicon has been applied only on a small part of the exterior slab of the kitchen platform which is also 100% easily removable within 10 seconds. This was also done recently because of the delay from your side to resolve the issue and for us to avoid further damage. Now even the drawer is not working properly. So this issue has nothing to do with the platform and again it emphasis the poor quality of the kitchen. Hence the solution is not acceptable as : 1. Th Kitchen was of poor quality from the very beginning. Multiple inspections from your side agreed and confirmed this in last 6 months. 2.The silicon was applied as per installation guy's advice send by your company. 3. Now when a full refund is requested - suddenly the warranty is forfeited. Harassment and cheating. We bought this kitchen as your website was listed on MNC company portal and I will be informing my company of this issue to get it removed from company employee benefit website along with taking legal action if not resolved immediately. Further I will be highlighting the incident on the social media platform. I want a 100% refund (including installation charges) for the kitchen.
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